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Two-day service training in Bulagro Machines before the summer campaign

In mid-June, the entire service team of Bulagro Machines gathered in the village of Vedrare near Karlovo to refresh their knowledge of the main agricultural machinery used during the summer season.

The training included John Deere combines, POTTINGER mowers and rakes, CICORIA and MASCAR MONSTER CUT baling machines, POTTINGER ploughs and seeddrills, SGARIBOLDI fodder mixers. Our colleagues observed the work of the machines on the field and exchanged their valuable experience concerning key moments in the maintenance and repair of the machinery.

This type of practical trainings is traditional for the Bulagro Machines' service team and is conducted at least twice a year before the start of the harvest and sowing campaigns.

During the event, our colleagues visited the temple "St. Archangel Michael" in the town of Kalofer, where a ceremony for health was held and the father of the temple gave them a beautiful icon of the Virgin Mary.

Loaded with new strength and knowledge, the service technicians of Bulagro Machines started the summer season and are always at the farmers' disposal whenever they need them!

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