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PÖTTINGER is an innovation winner for 2022

PÖTTINGER is an innovation winner for 2022 

Based on a study carried out by the IMWF (Institute for Management and Business Research based in Germany) between May 2021 and April 2022, the Austrian family-owned company PÖTTINGER was named as an Innovation Winner 2022. The evaluation of 317,000 statements and various databases on research funding confirm this excellent achievement.

PÖTTINGER is among the 1,650 largest companies in Austria, has introduced significant innovations to its industry and is regarded as innovative. The list of winners is impressive: It includes, for example, voestalpine AG, Rosenbauer and FACC.

In addition to its innovative machines and digital solutions, PÖTTINGER specialises in open innovation. The company organises hackathons, where creative people from universities and schools are invited to work out innovative solutions to a specific challenge and build prototypes. The agricultural machinery company is also a partner in the Pier4 network. This is a platform for startups to present their company and the projects they are working on. It has helped PÖTTINGER gain experience with new topics. Another project is the company's close cooperation with JKU, the Johannes Keppler University in Linz, where a workstation has been set up in the LIT Open Innovation Centre. The competencies of science and industry are bundled here.

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