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Field demonstration in Neofit Rilski village, Varna region

On August 4-th, in the village of Neofit Rilski near Varna, farmers from the region had the chance to see a variety of agricultural machinery for spraying, fertilizing, baling and soil cultivation in action on the field. We started with the NAVIGATOR sprayer of HARDI, followed by the MASCAR MONSTER CUT round baler in a special limited edition. The ready bales were picked up with the SCHÄFFER 8610T telescopic loader - extremely manoeuvrable, functional and ideal for every farm. Then came the time for the tillage machines of the Austrian concern PÖTTINGER - the SERVO plough, the TERRADISC 6001T disc harrow, the VITASEM mechanical seed drill and the TERRASEM C5 mulch seed drill. We also showed the EINBÖCK spring cultivator as well as the BOGBALLE fertilizer spreader.
We thank all guests of our event for the interest in our proposals and we wish all a successful autumn campaign.

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