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Donation for the State Psychiatric Hospital in Radnevo

The "Hristofor Bunardzhiev" Foundation made noble gesture to the State Psychiatric Hospital "Dr. Georgi Kisyov" in Radnevo donating 100 pcs. of chairs worth 3700 BGN. This is the largest hospital of its kind in the Balkan Peninsula with 8 wards and a bed capacity of over 400 beds. This year's initiative is the second collaboration project between the mental institution and the Foundation. The Bulagro Group Holding company employees collected, numbered and donated clothes and shoes - total of 17 packages. The donation was accepted by the hospital's director Dr. Vladimir Tranov and his team. In response to the noble gesture, they presented Mr. Bunardzhiev with a beautiful landscape.

Thank you all for joining the initiative!

We wish you bright holidays!

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