For the fourth consecutive time BULAGRO took part in the largest and most prestigious specialized agricultural exhibition BATA AGRO, which was held from 13th to 17th of May at the airport in the city of Stara Zagora under the motto "Modern solutions for modern agriculture." The exhibition area this year was 60% bigger than last year, spanning on a length of 1500 meters, and gathered thousands of farmers from all over the country.
At the stand of BULAGRO MACHINES visitors had the opportunity to see machines from leading European manufacturers - POETTINGER, HARDI, MASCAR, FARMER, EINBOECK, GOLDONI, SCHAEFFER LADER. Strong interest provoked the field demonstrations of the navigation systems LEICA, and the sprayers HARDI with the unique TWIN system for optimized spraying and drift reduction. Emphasis this year was the new disc harrow POETTINGER TERRADISC 6001T with a number of improvements, which ensure perfect stability and precision of the work. Another special proposition for the farmers was a complete green line including the NOVACAT mower from POETTINGER, a baler and a bale wrapper from MASCAR. Visitors paid special attention to the Polish tractors FARMER, with John Deere engine and transmission Carraro, which impressed them with high quality and good price.

This year on our stand in the "Seeds, fertilizers and plant protection products" sector, we introduced innovations in plant nutrition, including prototypes of new products that will be presented on the Bulgarian market exclusively from Bulagro. The new products are:

- MEGAFOL Protein - for increase of the protein content in cereals;

- A new variant of the well-known biostimulant RADIFARM - RELEASEED, designed specifically for seed treatment;

- REFLET - the latest product treating thermal stress from the French producer SDP;

- Chelated micronutrients, iron, manganese, molybdenum.

In terms of seeds, we emphasized on the high-yielding wheat LILIA, which is exclusively offered from BULAGRO, as well as other high-yielding sorts - ENOLA, SOBEL, ELEMENT and the barley NIVES.

We thank all our current and potential clients and partners, who visited the stands of BULAGRO during BATA AGRO 2013!

BULAGRO companies