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“ My park is entirely equipped with machines from Bulagro. ”

Yordan Momchev

Farmer from Krushari village near Dobrich
Yordan Momchev

I cultivate around 11,000 dca of farmland near Dobrich. My farm is entirely equipped with machines of the brand POETTINGER, which I have bought from Bulagro. I have a seed drill Terrasem, a disc harrow Terradisc and two SERVO ploughs - I am very satisfied with all of them! Last year during the drought nobody could enter their fields, but my disc harrow worked effortlessly with the impressive speed of 12-15 km/h. All of the machines of POETTINGER are highly productive and robust. The seed drill is immaculate both in terms of depth and in row distance. As for the service of Bulagro Machines I can only appraise their excellent work. One night my combine, which was bought from them, broke down at 10 p.m. and their service specialist came to us at 7 a.m. the next morning! The service team is always at our disposal when we need assistance, even during the weekends and official holidays.

Yordan Momchev

Website: Yordan Momchev

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